Airborne remote sensing campaign 2020

Hyperspectral data coverage (left) and Medium format RGB image scene centres (right) from the Airborne Remote Sensing campaign 2020 (background map: Norwegian Polar Institute). 

Projects from the SIOS Announcement of Opportunity (AO) in Airborne Remote Sensing-2020

Project title: Mapping surface properties on Lomonosovfonna Project
Acronym: SurfPro
PI: Veijo Pohjola
Institution: Uppsala University, Sweden

Project title: Kongsvegen surge: Digital Elevation Model 2020
Acronym: KING_SURGE_DEM2020
PI: Jack Kohler
Institution: Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway

Project title: Airborne Remote Sensing in South of Spitsbergen (current evolution of polar environment)
Acronym: AirborneSOS
PI: Małgorzata Błaszczyk
Institution: University of Silesia, Poland

Project title: Hindcasting and projections of hydro-climatic conditions of Southern Spitsbergen
Acronym: HyMote
PI: Marta Majerska
Institution: Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Project title: The Vanishing White - Airborne Remote Sensing campaign Svalbard 2020
PI: Hans Tømmervik
Institution: Norwegian Institute of Nature Research, Norway

Project title: Automatic system for monitoring vegetation and environmental seasonal changes on Svalbard using hyperspectral data
Acronym: ASMoVEn
PI: Lennart Nilsen
Institution: University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway

Project title: Long term changes in vegetation and permafrost in Rosenbergdalen
Acronym: Rosenbergdalen
PI: Maarten Loonen
Institution: University of Groningen, Arctic Centre, The Netherlands

Project title: Barnacle Goose Ecology: interactions with a changing environment
Acronym: GOOSE
PI: Maarten Loonen
Institution: University of Groningen, Arctic Centre, The Netherlands

Project title: Centre for Integrated Remote sensing and Forecasting for Arctic operations
Acronym: CIRFA
PI: Thomas Kræmer
Institution: University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway