Reaching out: SIOS-KC's offer to help

SIOS-KC is happy to announce a new offer: support to researchers with activities cancelled due to COVID-19.

SIOS-KC is staffed by professionals with fieldwork experience in a range of disciplines, and during this difficult time we are ready to put this experience at the disposal of our partners. We can put together a team of people to carry out field measurements, collect and / or deploy equipment in the field and carry out basic maintenance. We will cooperate with local logistics providers to solve such tasks, and can contribute with the expertise of SIOS partners and KC staff as necessary. We see this as an opportunity to support local businesses as well as researchers in this challenging time. 

You can register your request for support on our Logistics Sharing Notice Board. We will then get in touch with you to discuss details. Each request will be considered on a case by case basis, and we cannot guarantee that all requests will be met. If necessary, priority will be given to requests that are related to SIOS activities.